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Post-pandemic Office Spaces: Considerations and Design Strategies for Hybrid Work Environments


“Post-pandemic Office Spaces: Considerations and Design Strategies for Hybrid Work Environments” investigated renovation considerations and design strategies for post-pandemic, hybrid office environment within an academic institution. The focus was on two case-study office spaces that are part of the same organization at the University of Utah, where the existing physical space was insufficient for future […]

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Sustainable Retrofitting Strategies for Culturally Significant Brutalist Buildings


“Sustainable Retrofitting Strategies for Culturally Significant Brutalist Buildings: Energy-Efficient Strategies for a High-Rise Residential Complex in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina” investigated energy-efficient (EE) retrofit strategies for a historically and culturally significant residential building complex. The objective was to evaluate existing building performance and propose delicate, EE retrofit strategies while preserving the original design character. The […]

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Focus on Facades Education


“Focus on Facade Education” discusses the missions of the Facade Tectonic Institute’s Education Committee and its recently released report on the state of facades education at higher-education institutions in the U.S. titled The State of Facades Education in Academic Institutions: U.S.-Based Perspectives and its results. It also provides a list of recommendations for architectural programs […]

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Condensation Study of Windows


“Condensation Study: Thermal Analysis of Aluminum-Framed Window Systems under Different Environmental Conditions” presents a study where thermal heat transfer simulations were used to evaluate the potential for condensation among 11 different window systems, ranked by their respective heat transfer coefficients (U-factors) and condensation resistance (CR) rating values. The objectives were to determine exterior environmental conditions […]

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Vaccination Accessibility Analysis


“Vaccination Accessibility Analysis: Modeling Historical Patterns of Redlining and Access to Healthcare Services” discusses relationships between historic urban planning policies and access to healthcare, specifically vaccination accessibility. Despite immense efforts to ensure equitable COVID-19 vaccination access, many global communities had remained marginalized without access to vaccines or with limited supplies and accessibility to vaccines. In […]

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The State of Facades Education in Academic Institutions: U.S.-Based Perspectives


“The State of Facades Education in Academic Institutions: U.S.-Based Perspectives” outlines the results of a research study investigating the state of facades education at higher-education institutions across the United States. The objective was to identify courses focusing on facades, and analyze how these courses relate to the overall curricula, educational content, and teaching methods at […]

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Looking Back at the 2022 World Congress


“Looking Back at the 2022 World Congress” discusses the Facade Tectonic Insititute’s 2022 World Congress theme on de-carbonization, titled Counting Carbon: Leveraging the Facade System for Carbon Emission Reductions and its renowned keynote presenters, Gabrielle Bullock – whose presentation focused on equity, inclusion, and diversity in the architectural profession and Lisa Heschong – who presented […]

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Sustainable Retrofit Strategies for an Existing and Historically Significant Residential Complex


“Sustainable Retrofit Strategies for an Existing and Historically Significant Residential Complex: Environmental Response and Facade Performance Analysis” presents preliminary research of a case study that focuses on sustainable retrofit strategies of an existing Brutalist style residential complex, “Djuro Djakovic” (more commonly referred to as “Ciglane”), located in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Once part of the former […]

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Sustainable Retrofit Strategies for an Existing Laboratory Building


“Sustainable Retrofit Strategies for an Existing Laboratory Building: Analysis of Building Performance” discusses sustainable retrofit strategies for an existing research laboratory building, located in a cold climate. This facility is composed of two parts – the original building built in 1947 and the additional building built in 1964. The main objective of this study was […]

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Condensation Study of Windows


“Condensation Study of Windows: Comparative Analysis of Different Window Systems under Various Exterior Conditions” discusses a simulation study of different window systems, where heat transfer simulations were performed to investigate thermal performance and the potential for condensation. Particularly, window systems with different heat transfer coefficients (U-factors) and Condensation Resistance (CR) ratings were investigated. The main […]

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